city council district   v corona del mar & newport coast

Nancy Gardner 

councilwoman  v  newport beach, california



newsletter:  december 2009




That pretty much sums up the new Oasis. I got a tour of the partially-built facility, and is it going to be popular. There are ocean views, natural ventilation, airy classrooms, and as for the Hoag Wellness Center, it’s going to be so well-equipped with exercise machines there will be a bunch of under-fifties trying to sneak in for workouts.

Our new Civic Center has a pretty impressive price tag, so we’ve spent several study sessions discussing where we might make cuts, but as soon as something appeared on the chopping block a group of angels rushed forward to plead for it except . . . the pedestrian bridge. Nobody seemed to care about that but the architects, so that’s one thing that can probably be cut or put off. Meanwhile, we continue to examine ways to save money and keep our fingers crossed that when we go out to bid we will have the same competitive bidding climate that we did with Oasis.

Selenium is a naturally-occurring element. It’s also something that in too great a concentration can be devastating, particularly to birds. Although we are not seeing deformities in the upper bay, we are seeing selenium in fish and eggs, and so the Regional Water Quality Control Board has said that this must be dealt with. Initial projections range from $42 million to $137 million, and guess who is being proposed to pay for it? Essentially the county and nine cities, of which we are one. Since none of the cities’ general funds, or the county’s, for that matter, can afford such a hit, we will be working on a number of funding and treatment alternatives.

Corona del Mar now has a Preferred Customer Value card which entitles holders to various specials and discounts with participating businesses. One more reason to shop CdM. For more information, go to

Beginning some time after the first of the year, Bayside Drive between Carnation and Jamboree will be closed during the day for construction relating to sewer improvements. For details, check

A few years ago there were rumbles that the State Water Quality Control Board was going to issue an edict forbidding one molecule of pollution to enter an ASBS (Area of Special Biological Significance) which meant nothing could run into the ocean between Little Corona and El Moro, not even storm water. Dealing with urban runoff is one thing. Dealing with storms is of a completely different magnitude and would make the selenium costs look minor. Before billions were spent, the city got a grant to study actual impacts. Initial results point to human activity–foot traffic and taking specimens–as a major culprit in the decline we see in our tide pools. This suggests that since our storm situations don’t seem to be having a long-term negative impact, instead of building a treatment plant on the beach we should focus on expanding the docent program to better educate people and continue our nonpoint source reduction efforts.

We had our first meeting, and I’ve already learned something. From the DMV booklet– Safety Tips for Bicyclists and Motorists FFDL-37 (available online:

If there is no shoulder or bicycle lane and the traffic lane is narrow, ride closer to the center of the lane. This will prevent motorists from passing you when there is not enough room. You should also take the traffic lane when you are traveling at the same speed as the traffic around you.

Somehow I cannot picture myself taking up a lane on PCH as I pedal through CdM, but now I know if someone does, they are in the right. I will also know that if two bicyclists are abreast through there, they haven’t read the handbook which states:

Bicyclists must ride single file on a busy or narrow street.


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Councilwoman Nancy Gardner



City of Newport Beach - 3300 Newport Blvd - Newport Beach, CA  92663

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